Thumbails of newest images on index page

I am using now 1.22 version of zenphoto. I would like to upgrade it to 1.24 version but thumbails on index page of newest photos looks bed. In 1.22 they are crisp at 180x140px but when I upgrade zenphoto to 1.24 they are upscalled from 85x85px to 180x140. What can I do with that ?
Best Regards


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What theme? Do you have a link maybe?
  • That's my custom theme but this code I've taken from garland and in css file I changed to:
    'div#images img{
    border: 2px solid #444;
    color: #CCCCCC;
    margin:8px 8px 8px 8px;
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Then the image are scaled by CSS I guess. You of course need to set the real image sizes to match that, too. Either by setting the options or using custom image size functions.
  • In zenphoto administration/theme options I have thumb size: 180 and Crop thumbnails 180 x 140 Where can I find custom image size functions is it that function ?:
    getCustomImageURL [line 2626]

    Returns the url to the image in that dimensions you define with this function.
    int $size: the size of the image to have
    int $width: width
    int $height: height
    int $cropw: cropwidth
    int $croph: crop height
    int $cropx: crop part x axis
    int $cropy: crop part y axis
    bool $thumbStandin: set true to inhibit watermarking

    string getCustomImageURL( int $size, [int $width = NULL], [int $height = NULL], [int $cropw = NULL], [int $croph = NULL], [int $cropx = NULL], [int $cropy = NULL], [bool $thumbStandin = false] )
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, that is one of the functions, this returns only the url. There is also a `print` equivalent and some more other variants.
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