merge IRC stats page's into zenpages ??

naib Member
I have been using zenphoto for quite some time and am very happy with it
I recently rebuild my server (arch -> gentoo) and put zenphoto back on it, but also decided to try out zenpages (for other content - esp since the httpd is serving other info)

I generate IRC stats (via some bash and pisg). At the moment (still building site) I have a page for the IRC stats that links to the generated pages

What would be involved in making those IRC stat html files (will always be the same URL, even at month change) "merge" into zenpages
if it is some top&tail php I can bash-script that around the generated statspages (they get updated every 6h)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You could probably write a plugin/theme custom function and use that within the code block to print them dynamically.
    Besides that I don't know anything about IRC stat files.
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