lot of @eaDir Albums


I'm new here.
Zenphoto looks to what I'm looking for to manage my pix at on my home network, replacing iPhoto on a single Mac. So I decided to install it on my nas (a synology).

No problem for installation, except I had to put RewriteEngine Off in the .htacess file (if i didn'nt, i had a can't find page error).

My problem now, is that, in every album and in the gallery, I have a @eadDir album (or subalbum).It 's look like a trash folder (for example i noticed that it contains files with the old name for album/files that I rename in ZenPhoto admin). The main troubleshouting is that i see these @eaDir in the Gallery view of ZenPhoto and their are found by search.

Thanks by advance for your answer.


PS : I apologize for my poor english, I'm a french guy


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have no idea what these @eadDir are. I am on Mac (10.4.11), too. Could these maybe be leftover from iPhoto (which I don't use)?
  • the @eadir are created by the synology nas. I am also trying to exclude these dirs.

    Is there an option in ZEN to exclude folders with a certain name? That would slove it easily.

    Ta Frank
  • There is not, but you probably could make a variant of the filter-new_objects plugin which would automatically mark albums as not published. It might also be possible to have the filter delete them, but you would have to experiment with that.
  • Also see if the filter-file_searches plugin can help.
  • This thread has been inactive for some time, but maybe someone can benefit from the following solution.

    In class-album.php I've made a small change to the getSubAlbums function. It simply searches for "eadir" and ignores any @eaDir folders.

    = = =
    function getSubAlbums($page=0, $sorttype=null, $sortdirection=null) {
    if (is_null($this->subalbums) || $sorttype.$sortdirection !== $this->lastsubalbumsort ) {
    $dirs = $this->loadFileNames(true);
    $subalbums = array();

    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    $dir = $this->name . '/' . $dir;
    $subalbums[] = $dir;
    = = =

    = = =
    function getSubAlbums($page=0, $sorttype=null, $sortdirection=null) {
    if (is_null($this->subalbums) || $sorttype.$sortdirection !== $this->lastsubalbumsort ) {
    $dirs = $this->loadFileNames(true);
    $subalbums = array();

    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
    $targetstring = "eadir";
    if(stristr($dir, $targetstring) === FALSE)
    $dir = $this->name . '/' . $dir;
    $subalbums[] = $dir;
    = = =
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It should be noted that current Zenphoto releases actually do not have a `getSubAlbums` function/method anymore. It is just `getAlbums()` now.
  • Also, not really a good idea to modify the core as you will have to keep making that change (and noticing things like acrylian mentions).

    Much better to use the plugin to filter out those folders you do not want searched.
  • Hi,

    I don´t get the file filter plugin to work with the curent release. Is there another way to filter out the eadir Files and Folder?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto should actually ignore all it does not recognize. However for deleting albums it might cause trouble.

    I have no idea what "eaDir" files are but maybe tell your ftp client to not upload these at all?
  • Hi,

    these files are generated by my Synology NAS, the @eadir files are normaly hidden cache files for the NAS operating system.
  • I have updated the filter correcting the error in the options handling. Download it again and see if it does what you want.
  • Hi,
    I have the same problem with @eaDir in a Synology NAS. Are you suggesting the use of your extension "filter-file_searches"?
    It only allows to select the Folders that are visible (or at level one). I cannot choose the @eaDir sub album

    Am I doing something wrong?
  • I really do not see how a folder can be visible to one part of Zenphoto and not another. Zenphoto uses the same fucntions everywhere to read file directories.

    Of course, the plugin is only an example. You can simply make a version that filters out the `@eaDir` folders directly.
  • I hate to resurrect an old thread, but this is still an issue. I can not see these files in Windows, even with view set to show hidden files. I can not view these files with Synology's file station. However, ZenPhoto sees these files, which it interprets as folders, EVERYWHERE. This causes non-real albums/galleries to populate my site. I tried the altering of the class-album.php as directed above, but they still show. I can not find a plug-in that involves filtering. Am I missing something?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Sorry, I still cannot help with this, I have neither knowledge nor access (or ever had) to a Synology file station. I have no idea what a eaDir folder is and how it looks like at all… If it is a folder, Zenphoto will recognized it as such being file system based for the gallery part.Zenphoto is aimed to run on fairly standard web servers.

    The plugin mentioned above is available here:

    It's old and unsupported so might not work anymore.

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