I'm new here.
Zenphoto looks to what I'm looking for to manage my pix at on my home network, replacing iPhoto on a single Mac. So I decided to install it on my nas (a synology).
No problem for installation, except I had to put RewriteEngine Off in the .htacess file (if i didn'nt, i had a can't find page error).
My problem now, is that, in every album and in the gallery, I have a
@eadDir album (or subalbum).It 's look like a trash folder (for example i noticed that it contains files with the old name for album/files that I rename in ZenPhoto admin). The main troubleshouting is that i see these
@eaDir in the Gallery view of ZenPhoto and their are found by search.
Thanks by advance for your answer.
PS : I apologize for my poor english, I'm a french guy
Is there an option in ZEN to exclude folders with a certain name? That would slove it easily.
Ta Frank
In class-album.php I've made a small change to the getSubAlbums function. It simply searches for "eadir" and ignores any @eaDir folders.
= = =
function getSubAlbums($page=0, $sorttype=null, $sortdirection=null) {
if (is_null($this->subalbums) || $sorttype.$sortdirection !== $this->lastsubalbumsort ) {
$dirs = $this->loadFileNames(true);
$subalbums = array();
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$dir = $this->name . '/' . $dir;
$subalbums[] = $dir;
= = =
= = =
function getSubAlbums($page=0, $sorttype=null, $sortdirection=null) {
if (is_null($this->subalbums) || $sorttype.$sortdirection !== $this->lastsubalbumsort ) {
$dirs = $this->loadFileNames(true);
$subalbums = array();
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$targetstring = "eadir";
if(stristr($dir, $targetstring) === FALSE)
$dir = $this->name . '/' . $dir;
$subalbums[] = $dir;
= = =
Much better to use the plugin to filter out those folders you do not want searched.
I don´t get the file filter plugin to work with the curent release. Is there another way to filter out the eadir Files and Folder?
I have no idea what "eaDir" files are but maybe tell your ftp client to not upload these at all?
these files are generated by my Synology NAS, the @eadir files are normaly hidden cache files for the NAS operating system.
I have the same problem with @eaDir in a Synology NAS. Are you suggesting the use of your extension "filter-file_searches"?
It only allows to select the Folders that are visible (or at level one). I cannot choose the @eaDir sub album
Am I doing something wrong?
Of course, the plugin is only an example. You can simply make a version that filters out the `@eaDir` folders directly.
I hate to resurrect an old thread, but this is still an issue. I can not see these files in Windows, even with view set to show hidden files. I can not view these files with Synology's file station. However, ZenPhoto sees these files, which it interprets as folders, EVERYWHERE. This causes non-real albums/galleries to populate my site. I tried the altering of the class-album.php as directed above, but they still show. I can not find a plug-in that involves filtering. Am I missing something?
Sorry, I still cannot help with this, I have neither knowledge nor access (or ever had) to a Synology file station. I have no idea what a eaDir folder is and how it looks like at all… If it is a folder, Zenphoto will recognized it as such being file system based for the gallery part.Zenphoto is aimed to run on fairly standard web servers.
The plugin mentioned above is available here:
It's old and unsupported so might not work anymore.