I have 3 sort options on my album page. When the sort is performed and an images is selected the next image and previous image buttons do not go to the next and previous images based on the sort performed. Also, the album link in the breadcrumb does not return to the page where the image is after the sort (I am fine just making the link always return to page 1 with no sort). I am having trouble finding where I can strip the page portion out of the Album title portion of the breadcrumb. I have no idea how to fix the first problem. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Gallery is located here:
if(ISSET($_GET['imgsort'])) {
if ($_GET['imgsort'] == "views") {
$imgsortby = "hitcounter";
$imgorder = "DESC";
if ($_GET['imgsort'] == "rating") {
$imgsortby = "total_value";
$imgorder = "DESC";
if ($_GET['imgsort'] == "lastcomment") {
$imgsortby = "custom_data";
$imgorder = "DESC";
while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages, $imgsortby, $imgorder)):
if(ISSET($_GET['imgsort'])) {
if ($_GET['imgsort'] == "views") {
$imgsortby = "hitcounter";
$imgorder = "DESC";
else if ($_GET['imgsort'] == "rating") {
$imgsortby = "total_value";
$imgorder = "DESC";
else if ($_GET['imgsort'] == "lastcomment") {
$imgsortby = "custom_data";
$imgorder = "DESC";
The problem is if I set the persistent parameter to false, it does not work at all and I do not want the option change to be permenant, especially for all users. If I leave the persistent parameter blank (TRUE), it has the desired outcome except for it being permenant.