I have two articles in zenpage that I did not create. Both are Untitled.
When I edit them it shows under "Title Link" the following:
And the other shows this:
Edit: Running this person: version 1.2.3 [3673]
If it hasn't already been, the official release should be patched and a public warning should be issued about this vulnerability. You should not expect everyone to automatically download the nightly build, especially considering the nightly build is usually unstable. Although the nightly build will fix the bug, the version on the front page of your website is the one everyone is going to install first.
2. If it really is a concern to you, why have you not installed at least the 1.2.4 release or better the nightly builds?
3. What is more 'public' than this forum?
$attack = @file('index.php?p=pages&title=' . $i);
There you have 10000000000000000000000 new records in the database.