Some themes stopped to work with Firefox

tofo Member

I'm sorry, if this has been discussed already, however, currently I've the the problem that for instance the theme smokescreen stopped to work Firefox for some unknown reason. In Firebug I see, that the CSS code is loaded, but not connected to the elements. Don't ask me why it is then working with Safari, for instance. This also applies to the theme simple. It shows up correctly then, when you once pressed the style switcher.

Anyone can take a look at to see if I'm either stupid or right?

Regards, Thomas


  • Your theme is not one of the ones we have created, so naturally, we will be at a loss to understand its functioning. As well, we do not know what version of Zenphoto you are using except that it appears not to be a recent one.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The site does not use Zenphoto at all. From a quick look I would say that is Pixelpost. So you are in the wrong forum.
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