HELP! Working but images are being saved incorrectly

I installed the zen photo and everything went great. The only problem is when i upload a file the system seems to be creating the files incorrectly

Here is my installation:

You will see that image it creates is weird

Turns to this:

That file is in the server. But it seems that browser cannot open it with all those weird suffixes...

What can i do to fix this...

please help.


  • trisweb Administrator
    It's not the suffixes that are the problem, those are normal and "how it all works" :)

    The problem is that it thinks you're on an https server, as you can see in the URL.

    In i.php, change the line (near the end of the file, line 97):
    `$protocol = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http';`
    `$protocol = 'http';`
  • Wow... worked...!!!! Thanks!!!!
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