Upgrade to 1.2.4 IE not working

Have upgraded to 1.2.4 [3716] (Official Build) and came across two problems.

Firstly all my text fields in the MySQL tables were set to Swedish as the locale so getting lots of incompatible locale errors! Set them all to UTF-8 and problems gone away.

Second problem I can't fix... IE7 no longer shows the picture giving a JS error of "ZPPATH not defined" yet Firefox is fine??

See http://www.forgot.co.uk/photos/index.php?album=laalaa&image=DSCF0002.JPG

Note I'm using a different path to the standard one, but have the following lines in my zp-config.php file...

$conf['album_folder'] = '/albums';
$conf['album_folder_class'] = 'std';

define('WEBPATH', '/photos');
define('SERVERPATH', 'C:\Www\root\www.forgot.co.uk\htdocs\photos');

Any ideas?


  • 1. The upgrade does not change the collation sequence of your tables, so that was left over from some ancient Zenphoto install. The change you made is the correct one.

    2. I'm guessing this has to do with the define of WEBPATH, but I am not sure what would be wrong. Is it necessary for you to make these defines? That is can you leave the WEBPATH and SERVERPATH lines commented out?

    The other thing you can try is placing `require_once('zp-config.php');` at the front of the zenphoto.js.php script.
  • Rafe Member
    If I leave WebPath commented out it keeps trying to change the URLs to:


    Instead of the correct:


    Placing the require_once('zp-config.php'); (before or after the <PHP ? I tried both!) doesn't work.

    Your help is much appreciated as I'm a long term user of ZenPhoto and a big fan - it's just this last upgrade that's gone wrong :(
  • You can try using the zenphoto.js.php script from the 1.2.3 build. There was a change to fix a differnent problem, but obviously you were not encountering it. Still, I am suprised that the above change did not work. Essentially it is doing the same as the old file, but without the downside.
  • Rafe Member
    Changing to the zenphoto.js.php from 1.2.3 has solved both my admin toolbox not appearing and my photos not appearing in IE!

    Let me know if you want me to test anything else!
  • Rafe Member
    Hmmm maybe not. I think the change of theme to ZenPage Default fixed the IE issue. Going back to ZenPhoto Default and my pictures don't appear in IE.
  • Do you get any setup warnings? Particularly one about gettext() support?
  • Based on your other report (gettext() support) I would like you to try the nightly build that will be created tonight. I believe you were suffering two different issues. One already fixed, one as per the code above which I have encorporated.
  • Rafe Member

    I've finally had a chance to install the latest nightly build...

    1) I now have virtually no admin functionality as it's saying "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ngettext()" all over the place and I don't have gettext() installed in my PHP (am trying to get this resolved).

    2) Images in IE still don't work e.g. http://www.forgot.co.uk/photos/index.php?album=laalaa&image=DSCF0002.JPG

  • Rafe Member
    I have gettext installed on my webserver now which addresses those issues. However I still do not get images in IE7!
  • Rafe Member
    I note this problem only occurs using the default theme.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I don't have IE but everything looks fine to me. Check if you are loggedin and the images maybe not set "visible" or the album maybe is unpublished. Loggedin admins with the rights for it see everything.
  • We've added ngettext() to the substitute library now. That change will be in tonight's build. This was an oversite--not too many people have PHP without gettext() support.
  • I've just visited the URL you posted (and browsed some other parts of your site). Using IE7 everything is showing properly for me.
  • Rafe Member
    Sorry, my fault. It works because I switched to a different theme from the default one.
    If I switch back and look in IE7 it doesn't work. No big deal, quite like the different theme :)
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