Neither Search nor Archive working

I have tags entered for some of my photos, but performing a search on the tags, or clicking on the tags, brings up the following: "Sorry, no image matches. Try refining your search." The same thing happens when clicking on one of the results from Archive view. I've got search enabled. Any thoughts? I've searched the forums and documentation, but had no luck. Thanks.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please check on the admin options if the right search fields are enabled.
  • Slydo Member
    Allow Search is checked under "Theme Options" and Title, Description, Tags, File/Folder, Location, City, State, Country are all checked under "gallery configuration." Am I missing something?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We need more info, what Zenphoto version, what theme and maybe a link to the site in question.
  • Also see if there are any CGI or MySQL errors being reported.
  • Slydo Member
    I've got it working now that I've upgraded from 1.1.5 to 1.2.4. I've got some tweaking to do, but the upgrade seems to have done the trick. Thanks, all.
  • Slydo Member
    OK, the search and archive functions are working, but now my links are not. When I click on "Home" in gallery view, instead of taking me back to my main site as it did in 1.1.5, (i.e., it now takes me to Also, the links I've set up as ../page.php now want to go to

    I've got my website url setup under gallery configuration. Any thoughts?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please check if you uploaded the correct .htaccess file (invisible on some systems like Mac OS). A few things have changed since 1.1.5.
  • Slydo Member
    The .htaccess file in my directory says version and it's defineitely different from my old one - not that it makes a lot of sense to me. Is there anything specific I should be looking for in there? Thanks.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is the right file. So you might need to set the webpath/serverpath manually on zp-core/zp-config.php. Uncomment one or both lines in line 69 and 70 and try setting the path there.
  • The symptom of your HOME link indicates that you did not enter a full URL for the option.
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