..thickbox.css kills the top margin here..

bic Member, Translator
I found that note in image.php of zenpage default theme. In thickbox.css I deleted the line:
`*{padding: 0; margin: 0;}`

Now I don't need anymore the extra `margin-top: 16px;` rule.
I've not experienced any changhe in the behavior of Thickbox visualization.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It was actually not a issue of the thickbox but on the image page itself where it cause a wrong top margin. At least with the browsers I tried when I added that.
  • bic Member, Translator
    Yes, I have understood this. I wanted to point out that removing the line I posted above from thickbox.css, the issue on the image page is solved..
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I will test that, it could be browser specific..:-)
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