Moving to a new server

Hi there,

I'm trying to move my gallery from one web host to another at the moment. I'm sure there's a simple way to do this, but I haven't found it yet ;)

I've got a full FTP backup and SQL backup ready to go. I've also updated my config file to suit the new database. Can anyone please tell me the best and quickest way to get back up and running again?

Thanks :)



  • trisweb Administrator
    Just reconstruct the SQL database and make sure the database configuration is correct in config.php! That should be all you need. All the comments/titles/descriptions should be there.

    Even if you lost the database, the gallery will still function, the metadata will just be gone.
  • 1. backup your entire zenphoto directory
    2. Make a backup of your database
    2.1. Log into phpMyAdmin on your server
    2.2. From the main login screen select 'Databases'
    2.3. Click on the name of your Zenphoto Database
    2.4. The next screen will show you all the tables inside your Zenphoto Database. IGNORE THOSE. Click on the "Export" tab on the top set of tabs.
    2.5. Look at the left box at the top of the export section. All of the tables in the database are selected. If you have other apps in this database, unselect all and make sure your albums, comments and images tables are checked.
    2.6. Check the box that says save to a file. Check the following boxed under the sql section. Structure, 'Add DROP TABLE', 'Add AUTO_INCREMENT' and 'Enclose table and field names with backquotes'
    2.7. Check the box that says structure and data
    2.8 Click go and it will download in the format you chose.

    3. On your new server. Copy all your files to wherever you want them in your web directory.

    4. Edit your config.php to reflect the changes in server paths and database usernames and passwords.

    5. Log into phpmyadmin
    5.1 click on the database that zenphoto is going to be installed.
    5.2 Across the top of the screen will be a row of tabs, Click on the SQL tab
    5.3 On the next screen will be a text box, and under that will be a button named "Browse"
    Locate the file that you downloaded from your backup.
    5.4 Uncheck the "Show this query here again" option.

    This is by no means an official way of doing things. I did however use this method about 2 months ago to move my site to a new server and it did work.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Is that on the Wiki? :)
  • Thanks for the help, guys :)

    My method was actually correct for the move, but a couple of other things were contributing to my problems.

    - Mod rewrite needed to be changed to false (not available on the new server)
    - I'm working on a dev server, so the paths were slightly incorrect

    All sorted now though, so thanks :)
  • Hi, found this:
    it's the same steps that chilifrei mentioned but with pictures! :)
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