I'm not sure if this is a "bug". However: the visual editor for Gallery description (admin panel -> gallery configuration -> Gallery description field) is really bad so far. It always add `
` and `
` tags around the text. Using the HTML-button doesn't help so I can't transform it in simple text.
Also you can always configure theTinyMCE to your own liking by changing the `zp-core/js/editor_config.js.php`. Info about that on the TinyMCE site.
So here is the solution of my problem... if anyone else needs. How to remove the automatic <p> tags:
1. Open `zp-core/js/editor_config.js.php` file;
2. Edit the existing line `force_br_newlines : true,` (you need it "true", it's "false" by default);
3. Add a new line - `forced_root_block : '',`