Button that inserts "Read more" break in news articles

I wonder if it is possible to have a button on the tinyMCE panel that can make a "Read more" break? I would like to have the possibility of having different lengths in my front page posts, and I know this is a feature they have on wordpress.

If it's not easy for me to enable, you can consider this a feature request.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I know Wordpress has that, not sure how to do that right now. But please open a ticket on trac if this should be considered as a feature request.
  • Jonas Member
    I definitely think this is of some importance. Especially if I want to have pictures on the front page, because the picture is a lot of characters, and so I get very little space compared to when it is only text.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I just answered on the ticket...:-)
  • Jonas Member
  • @acrylian: could you please post or explain how the "read more" tag works? Would be very helpful!
  • You use the TinyMCE "page break" button to insert a page break where you want the shortening to take place. But there is a small problem--this will shorten even when the article page is displayed. There will be a fix for this in tonight's build.
  • Is TinyMCE the default/built-in editor or do i have to install a plug-in?

    Btw: Awesome work guys! Great application and great support. Best wishes from Germany!
  • It is the one that we ship with zenphoto. It is used by default.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    btw, the usage is also explained on the "usage tips" on the admin pages for pages and articles itself...:-)
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