User Login and Registration

I just installed the latest version of ZenPhoto. I am unsure how to allow it for other user to register on the site and to be able to login. I installed the plugins but still don't see anything on the pages. Once a user logs out they have to know an address to get back to login. I would apprecaite any help with this.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to add the function described on the plugin documentation where you want the login link to appear.
  • Ok I found how to add that but when the user registers it doesn't do anything. It clicks like it worked but the user doesn't receive an email nor does it insert any information in to the database.
  • How about a link to your site? I just tried this using the Efferevescence+ theme and it is working correctly.
  • A link to my site is
  • Please read the documentation of this plugin--

    You have not followed it.
  • The documentation is not real clear on that page but I think I am making progress. Here is my register.php


    Here are my errors. When I submit my new user I get this error at the top:

    Notice: Undefined variable: _zp_gallery_page in /var/www/ on line 100

    The email still goes through but when I click on the verify link I get this error:

    The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found.

    Also how do I get a blank page that follows the theme? I would like to make it look like all the other pages.

    Thank you so much for your help!!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is no need to do the require/include. Please read this part of our theming tutorial on how to set up non gallery pages:
  • Very cool. I got that working. These should be my last few questions:

    1. Is their a way so that users can only see there albums and not all the albums?

    2. How can I make my header image appear on top of every page?

    3. Can I make a custom login page where it shows on my theme?
  • 1. password protect the gallery or the albums you do not want to be public. Then assign the users albums you want them to be able to view.

    2. Insert the HTML to show the image in the top of each of your theme page scripts.

    3. See the user_logout plugin. It has an option to add a login form.
  • I could password protect the albums but I want it so as soon as a user signs up they have their own album that is private, and then all the albums they create will only be viewable by them. To them it will look like their personal albums are parent albums but in actuality it would be a sub album. Does that make sense? LOL
  • There are two ways to make an album not visible: mark it unpublished or password protect it. The former can be bypassed by using a direct link--that is it only hides albums from the thumbnail views, not from someone who knows its URL.

    Given the description of what you want to do and assuming that there are no albums other than the ones "owned" by these users, all you have to do is one of the above.

    Album ownership is only available for gallery level albums. So you cannot do this with subalbums.
  • I habe installed zenphoto. Works realy great.

    And now i want to create an option that user can register, and can upload fotos.

    i dont understand the manpage.

    Please can someone help me.


    p.s. sorry about my englisch im from germany
  • On the 1.2.5 release only the Effervescence+ theme provides an implementation of this plugin. But if you wish to try the nightly build, now all the distributed themes have the support built in.

    Otherwise you will need to create a registration page script and place a call on the `printRegistrationForm()` function. The correct documentation for using the plugin is The reference you quote above is for the plugin's option handler class which you do not need to concern yourself about.

    Documentation for Zenphoto functions is automatically generated. That process documents all functions including ones that are internally used. Generally, the link on the plugin page will take you to the correct documentation.
  • When i aktivated Effervescence theme i dont see a register button or something
  • There will be a link at the bottom of the index page. But of course, it will not be there if you are already logged in (as in that case you are already registered as well.)
  • no there ist no registerbutton.

    whatch out my testgalerie with effervescence
  • ah i found it

    But i want to make it easier for the user to register. And erase the usability.

    Ive test the register funktion. And whats ne ID ? and the system dont send a registration mail.
  • The ID is the user's ID (as opposed to his name.) The email uses the same process as for sending password reset mails or comment notification mails. If these are not working most likely your server is blocking `sendmail` functionality.
  • BTW, Your site has sent me a mail regarding my registration request, so most likely your spam filter has "helped" you out here.
  • oh great. Thats maybe an opinion i dont noticed with the spamfilter. Can i deaktivated the user id ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I guess sbillard actually referred to the spamfilter of your email provider.
  • Ah ok, works perfektly. But now i want that the registrated user can upload in a subdirecory named "Registared User" there pictures. Without manipulating the other sub direction.

    Is it makeable without manipulate each user ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. You can only assign top level albums but not sub level albums to a user.

    2. Not with 1.2.5. But 1.2.6 will feature user groups which you can preview in the nightly on your own risk.
  • ah ok, the ony think i can do is to manage the albums for my useres manually ?
  • oh, sorry its the wrong thread but.Ive a an huge error.

    When i upload Pictures there are 90° changed. Aber when i want to change it with the admin pannel the pic aber unloadable...
  • Probably you do not have enough memory to process the images. But you have given us little information on what is happening, so we can only guess. Please review the troubleshooting guide.
  • Ive found the error. When you have damn windows. And change 90° with windown standart picture viewer the image not realy change but zenphoto registered the changes.

    Ive change the images with gnu under linux and compress a litle. yet its works perfekt :)
  • where i can download and test these discription ?

    2. Not with 1.2.5. But 1.2.6 will feature user groups which you can preview in the nightly on your own risk.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On our home page / download page is a link.
  • Okay nightly build works great. But i cannot define in the usergroups tab wich "SUB"album the group can use
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