HTTP Error - flash upload

I keep getting ' HTTP Error' when using the flash upload. I can do them using the http uploader fine.

I've used Chrome, Safari and firefox, updated my flash and my imac but still no luck.
Can anyone help?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Server error log? Either there are permission issues or your server has some security extensions interfering.
  • Fyi I have the same issue and after some digging this is what I found:

    In the flash uploader.php the variable $_POST['auth'] is wrong.

    The variable is like this: "A D U1lp0Bw9..."

    while the actual db entry looks like this: "A+D+U1lp0Bw9..."

    So the plus signs ("+") are missing and instead replaced by whitespaces (" "). This happened on two different users, others had no plus sign and there it worked out of the box.

    My temporary "fix" was to add

    $hash = str_replace(" ", "+", $hash);

    in "zenphoto\zp-core\zp-extensions\uploader_flash\uploader.php" on line 9.

    Hope this helps you track down the root of the issue...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Best you open a ticket on GitHub. On the forum this will get lost.

    Also note that the flash uploader will not be part of the next major release 1.4.5 anymore.
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