New install 'Object not found'

Hello, sorry I'm a bit of a newbie to this. I've installed zenphoto

However everytime I upload a photo or make a change of somesort I get an error page saying:

Object not found
The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found.
Album: zp-core/://
Image: admin-edit
Page: index

The image still seems to upload somehow, but I guess something isn't working properly for that message to appear everytime. :(


  • Look at your gallery options for "server protocol" That should read "http". I am guessing that it does not.
  • monet Member
    Ah! Yes, thanks! Works like a dream now! Thank you so much for developing zenphoto (and everyone else involved) it is absolutely brilliant.
  • Do you know if you happened to change this option? It should have been set correctly by the install program.
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