Auto Slide Show

I have just installed Zenphoto for our convention website.
One of the questions I have been asked is, is there a Auto Slide show, I can see that in the Effervescence poolside theme it does say Slide show active, but you seem to have to manually click to change photo.?.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a slideshow plugin included which all official themes support.
  • Is Effervescence not official ?. I have the plug in but still no apparent Auto Slide show ?.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is but it has several personalities which not all feature the same things. My colleague is more familiar with this theme.

    Besides the slideshow plugin does not start automaticallly, you have to click on the slideshow button naturally. (just there is no misunderstanding).
  • So is there not one where it will auto slide ?
  • The Effervescence them has a "Image Gallery" personality which is what I think you are looking for. Garland has this same personality.
  • Right, beginning to get the idea now, thanks
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is of course possible to show a slideshow initially but that is not possible without theme customization.
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