In a community?

Is it possible to use this in a community, which gives a "gallery" to each member?

If so, how? I know a lot with mySQL and FTP, i just dont know how to recode the code..


  • Well right now you would have to have a seperate installation for each album. and you would have to change the whole login/user mechinism. For simplicity sake.. I would think that the config.php info would have to be stored in a DB..
    I would think once sub albums comes out it would kinda already support some sorta quasi user galleries or it would be easily hackable into it.
    I think the gallery is still not mature enough yet to fully support this now. However I can definately see it being possible in the future.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep, what he said. :) I could see it being multi-user in the future, probably around 2.0, which is pretty far away...
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