counter in PrintAlbumMenu and others

I'm playing around to adapt the zenpage default theme and having some troubles whit the counters in the PrintAlbumMenu routine and others (printAllNewsCategories)

I was changing the CSS for the menus but came to the fact that the counters are displayed outside the ...links.
I adapted the routines so that the counters are inside the links but that will break up at a new update of Zenphoto and also give problems when I would upload my theme for others to use.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I do not understand the problem. The counter numbers are outside the links because they are not part of the destination that is linked and made that ways you can style them differently. If you want them to have for example the same color like the link then just set the color for the
    element to match the link color.

    Alternatively you can always take the original code and make special theme custom function (with another name of course) to work differently
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