lost admin options in main gallery (the ajaz-y stuff)

On my site, I don't have a link to admin, or the sort gallery or sort album links. (And I am logged into admin.)

here's what I have in my index footer:

<?php printAdminLink('Admin', '', ' | '); ?>Powered by zenphoto

Site contents (c)2006 David Hodgkins. For information on using the pics in a blog or website entry, please visit this page.


also from my index.php theme:

<?php printSortableGalleryLink('Click to sort gallery', 'Manual sorting', NULL, 'credit'); ?>


from my album.php page:

<?php printSortableAlbumLink('Click to sort album', 'Manual sorting', NULL, 'credit'); ?>


I do have them in another div (you can see the copyleft div for the footer admin link.) That shouldn't be a problem....right?

Any ideas why my admin stuff wont show up for me?



  • Hmm.... I'm not sure why.

    That extra div should not be a problem, however, I did notice that you forgot an ending </div> tag for your credit div.

    Try and open up your admin-functions.php and template-functions to make sure they haven't gotten corrupted somehow.
  • actually, that div is there.... just on the next line that I didn't copy :)

    Those two files were fine. I think I'll just start over with the theme and see if I can figure out where (or if) the admin stuff disappears.
  • Oh, I forgot that the printAdminLink() function only works when you're logged in. Since it's not showing, I can only assume that your browser may think that you're *not* logged in. Try clearing your cookies, then reload the page and make sure that you're browser isn't loading from the cache.
  • trisweb Administrator
    There are a few cookies problems with 1.0.2 and earlier. 1.0.3 has changes that might help with the login being more reliable and less buggy :) It'll be released by the end of the week.
  • it wasn't a cookie problem (I thought about that early on.) I cleared the cookies, logged back in, and still nothing.

    But if I change the theme to default or testing, it all works.

    Strange indeed.

    ~silverwing <-- who knows just enough php get into trouble :)
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