print tags performance problem

when viewing the server through ssh ps aux it shows /gallery/index.php using up to 56% of the cpu - is this bad ?

i am trying to figure out if the way we have the index page set up iss it slowing down the cpu - we do use a tag cloud using <?php printAllTagsAs('cloud'); ?>
Could this be slowing the the page down

im not sure how the tags work but is there a way of caching the results of the tag cloud rather then it goes to find and print all tags, or does it not work like that.

We are also using dynamic albums - not sure if this is slowing it down either

the site is




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is probably because you have random album thumbs set. If these are not already cached they will be generated and depending on the full image size and your server that might slow down. Try to set a fixed album thumbnail so that not every time a new one needs to be used.

    The tags should not be the issue, but there is static_html_cache plugin you might want to try.
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