paged_thumbs_nav crop problem

When I disable the crop function in the plugin options it's going ok when the thumbs are all landscape, but when they are mixed landscape and portrait then I have a problem.

To see what happens look at following page

Greetings Arjan


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I can reproduce that, I thought that worked when last tried. We will take a look, I have no idea yet though
  • Ok thanks will look out for it.

    Greetz Arjan
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Give tonight's nightly a try. Note that you need to update your theme's css as the paged thumbs nav now has also separate ids for both the active and the inactive "next thumbs" links (pagedthumbs_nextdisabled/prevdisabled) in case some theme design need that to be show (sometimes looks cleaner). I guess you know you can easily hide them via css's visibility: hidden again.
  • Thanks will give it a try.

    Greets Arjan
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