Simple captcha protection for comment. Easy to install


I have developped a simple captcha protection to prevent spam attacks on comment.

Demo :

Download :


  • Thank you!
  • The link no longer works. Please fix this so I can put it on the wiki.
  • my serve have crashed and i have lost the archive, if anyone has downloaded it before...

    In other case, i will rebuild it ;)
  • UPDATED ;)
  • Seems to be down again.... mirror?
  • Thanks. Would you mind if I upload a copy of the .zip onto the wiki?
  • if i have did this hack it's to share it ;) so you can ;)

    (Sorry for my bad english, i'm french)
  • simonef Member
    None of your links worked for me, so I downloaded it from the Wiki. The Readme there didn't work at all, but I figured it out. The files changed where you have to add the code. This is how I made it work:

    1. Upload generate_image.php to the /zen folder, change the permisson on this file to 777 (allow write to everybody).
    Upload code.png to the /zen/images folder
    2. Open the image.php in the folder of your current theme.
    Add `<? include('zen/generate_code.php');?>`
    Add `` where you ant the picture with the Captcha to be, add `"/>`where you want the input box to be.
    In the default theme this would mean to find

    " class="inputbox" />

    and after this add

    <? include('zen/generate_code.php');?>



    4. Open /zen/functions-controller.php
    Find the lines
    ` $commentadded = $_zp_current_image->addComment(strip_tags($_POST['name']), strip_tags($_POST['email']),

    $website, kses($_POST['comment'], zp_conf('allowed_tags')));`
    in the zp_handle_comment function.
    Change this to
    `$commentadded = $_zp_current_image->addComment(strip_tags($_POST['name']), strip_tags($_POST['email']), $website,

    kses($_POST['comment'], zp_conf('allowed_tags'))``,strip_tags($_POST['code']),$_POST['code_h']);`

    5. Open /zen/class-image.php
    Find the `function addComment($name, $email, $website, $comment) {`
    and replace this line with `function addComment($name, $email, $website, $comment,$code,$code_ok) {`
    A few lines further in this function you'll find ` $comment = trim($comment);`.
    After this add `$code = trim($code);

    $code_ok = trim($code_ok);`

    and replace ` if (empty($email) || !is_valid_email_zp($email) || empty($name) || empty($comment)) {`
    with ` if (empty($email) || !is_valid_email_zp($email) || empty($name) || empty($comment) || (md5($code)<>$code_ok)) {`
  • Updated for Zenphoto 1.1.3 !!!
  • Adapted for general use in the SVN shortly
  • I'm waiting this ;)
  • I am done and have sent it off. All distributed themes will provide Captcha via a theme option--Use Captcha.

    Other themes will have to add a printCaptcha() function call to their comment input block.
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