Hi Guys - i got a problem with my Zenphoto..
First i want to say: Thanks for this great Script! I'm using it not since a really early Version and it's really really great!
Now my problem:
I've got a Maindomain - rallye-cars.de
On this Domain, there is a folder called 'rallye'
Here is my Zenphoto installed [version 1.2 [2213]]
I'm using mod_rewrite and the standard .htaccess file for nice URL's.
Now - i got a second domain - rallye-addicted.de
This Domains show's on a folder called 'rallye-addicted/cmsmadesimple'
Now - on my second Domain, there is a Subdomain - called galerie.rallye-addicted.de
This Subdomain shows on the folder 'rallye'
When I open this Domain, my gallery is shown - but when i want to open a album,
an internal Server Error 500 appears.
My Question now:
Why does this happen?
What can i do?
The first page is working - but then..
I had no problem with a solution,
that the path: rallye-cars.de/rallye does not work.
First I had my rallye-cars.de/rallye Installation,
but now I'd like to change it to galerie.rallye-addicted.de
If you probably need to link them to the same folder and/or change the subdomain direction on your host's settings. (meaning linking galerie.rallye-addicted.de to rallye-cars.de/rallye.)
the domains are on the same Webspace.
The Domains rallye-addicted.de/rallye does not exist,
there is only the path rallye-cars.de/rallye
The Webspace is structured as following:
root --> rallye-cars.de
folder1[/rallye-addicted/cmsmadesimple] --> rallye-addicted.de
folder2[/rallye] --> The Gallery
The Subdomain shows on '/rallye' - if i try to enter something like '../rallye' it does not work..
1. Run the upgrade script. /zp-core/upgrade.php
2. Switch to the default template and than back to your custom one.
www.lymden-lodge.com\test then became test.lymden-lodge.com - and I get 500 errors on all pages apart fromthe front page.
If I turn mod_rewrite = OFF then it works.
If I do an u/g - /zp-core/upgrade.php - the u/g works but the pages still fail unless I have mod_rewite = Off.
I have yet to try the theme flip.
I guess having installed to a sub dir and then making it a sub domain really breaks things.
Off to do a reinstall..!!
Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute zum neuen Jahr!
I can confirm that this all works fine as you say.
So what I did was:
1) set up a sub domain. (http://toybox.lymden-lodge.com/ => http://www.lymden-lodge.com/dev-1)
2) ensure mod_rewrite = ON
3) hand edit .htaccess to be '/' and NOT '/dev-1'
4) run http://toybox.lymden-lodge.com/zp-core/upgrade.php
End result?
All works fine!
So it is possible to install to a sub dir and then 'migrate' to a sub domain with out any problems.
Thanks to all for their help.