1. The logout does not work. It does not appear to be cookies related because I tried a different browser and still had full access to the Admin tool box. Each time I click any of the Admin menus, it would prompt with me "Password reset request.
You may now set admin usernames and passwords."
2. Thumbnails are not generated, nor do any photos load.
From the systems check, only the following warnings:
PHP magic_quotes_gpc [is enabled]
PHP mbstring package Your internal characater set is ISO-8859-1
Strict Permissions [is not in effect]
MySQL version 4.0.27
If there's more info I can give, please tell me. Thanks in advance.
No onto #2. No thumbs or photos loaded. I uploaded 3 jpgs, all are 'dead'
RewriteBase /
Also, do I put the following lines in .htaccess between <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> and </IfModule> or outside of it?
php_value magic_quotes_gpc off
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
Yes, I'm using 1&1.
#3 If zenphoto is installed in the root of the domain then the RewriteBase is /. Setup will always choose the correct value. You should let it. If you must edit it your self, there is already a line in the .htaccess file, just change it.
#4 it won't matter if you have the mod_rewrite module. But outside is probably best.
Setup will not run for unless you are logged in, so it should not be an issue to leave it around. If you play with protection of the folders you need to be sure the scripts will still run with that security in place.