Can't centre image description


I am running 22nd May nightly build after some issues with no gettext() support in another thread.

I have a small issue. I can't seem to get uploaded image descriptions to centre (I had this working on a previous build).

I tried doing this using the HTML but it just loses the <center></center> tags.

Any ideas?



  • Check the allowed tags option. It must include `
    ` if you wish to use that tag. However, please note `
    ` is a deprecated tab.
  • OK - thanks for the reply.

    So should the formatting option to centre the text in the image description box be working? Or should I be thinking about using CSS to centre the image description?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    <center> should work if you enter the tag as an allowed tag on the options. But also TinyMCE has a center button and of course CSS would be a good solution, too.
  • Thanks again for the quick reply.
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