Fast show/hide photos

Is there a way to quickly select the list of photos to show/hide? I have zenphoto setup to point to my photo directory which has a lot of images that I don't really need to show people. For a small album using the edit album page is fine, but something with a lot of images is a pain to go through.



  • Depends.

    If you had thought of this first, you could have set the default publish behavior to not show the images. There is a utility on the admin page called publish content. With that you can set the default to not publish new items. It will also give you a list of all the unpublished images so that you can choose to publish them.

    What you could do is set the options to not publish, then drop your images table from the database. Re-run setup to recreate the table and manage the list through the utility. Unfortunately, if you have entered descriptions, etc. this will forget all those.

    The other option is to use sql queries to reset the publish field to zero making nothing visible. Then use the utility to publish those items you want.
  • neji Member
    That's fine but it would mean I still need to go through page by page to choose the ones I want to publish. I guess what I was after is a page like the sort album page that has a tick box for each photo to indicate publish or not, and then a page after that to modify the title/description of the ones I am publishing.

    I guess I should raise this as an enhancement?
  • Sorry, what is the problem with the list that the publish content gives your?
  • neji Member
    OK, Imagine if you have 100+ photos, with each Image Edit page showing only 10 photos you would have to go through at least 10 pages to choose what to show and what not to. Isn't it easier to just show the thumbnail and have a tick box to show/hide photo?
  • Actually, what is easier for me is to store all the information about the image in its IPTC data. Then there is no editing needed on the back end.

    As for showing or not, I suggested a tact for you which would give you the tickbox you desire.
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