I just upgraded to the last version, and ZP doesn't seem to find the dynamic album I use to display several images on my home page; I get the message
`Fatal error: Instanciation invalide de l’album : star.alb/ n’existe pas in /homez.110/marienoe/www/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 726` though the album does exist in the albums tree, and the `star.alb` file seems to be OK.
Has something changed about dynamic albums in this new version? Or what should I check/modify in order to make use of this album?
NB: How can I display all the threads I have initiated? I'm sure you've given me the answer somewhere, but the only name displayed for each thread is the one who answered last!
So you said to use the new function `newAlbum()`; but I still get the same error when doing this `$mySelection = newAlbum('star.alb/');`
I don't know what else I could try now...
- alb1
- sub-alb2
- dynamic-album1
- dynamic-album2
- dynamic-album3
- dynamic-album4
- sub-dynamic-alb3 using folder tag (each time i add a new critera and refresh the metada inside this dynamic album i have the abend below, then if i delete the album and recreate it i have all my critera)
Instanciation invalide de l’album : l’album n’a pas de nom dans /home/users3/b/phpnet/www/lesite/zp-core/class-album.php à la ligne 721
trigger_error called from Album->__construct (class-album.php [721])
from newAlbum (class-album.php [20])
from admin-edit.php [30]
I have the quick message : Fixed album xxxxx/zzzzz parentid was 575 should have been 624
After i have the same error messages and the album title has been replaced by the .alb name.
I create a trouble ticket on GitHub.