Dynamic album not found after upgrade to

I just upgraded to the last version, and ZP doesn't seem to find the dynamic album I use to display several images on my home page; I get the message
`Fatal error: Instanciation invalide de l’album : star.alb/ n’existe pas in /homez.110/marienoe/www/photos/zp-core/class-album.php on line 726` though the album does exist in the albums tree, and the `star.alb` file seems to be OK.

Has something changed about dynamic albums in this new version? Or what should I check/modify in order to make use of this album?


  • And when I click on `View album` from the admin page, I do see the content of the album. So, my guess is that the album is OK, but maybe something has changed about the way I should use it?
  • I think you told me recently something about a change in album instanciation, but I cannot find it again... It seems that's my `new Album` that doesn't work anymore and provokes this error.

    NB: How can I display all the threads I have initiated? I'm sure you've given me the answer somewhere, but the only name displayed for each thread is the one who answered last!
  • Found it here: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=387271#post-582190
    So you said to use the new function `newAlbum()`; but I still get the same error when doing this `$mySelection = newAlbum('star.alb/');`

    I don't know what else I could try now...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No slash in the name actually unless it is a sub album (album/subalbum)
  • Got it eventually, after having removed the tailing `/`, so the final syntax is: `$mySelection = newAlbum('star.alb');`
  • And I had to do the same thing for using the `printLatestImagesByMtime` function that allows me to display the most recent pictures thumbnail. Guess this final slash has now to be removed in any function using an album folder...
  • If the trailing slash did work in the past it was an accident. But certainly it would now violate the album test. What it amounts to is an empty sub-album name.
  • I have the same abend doing a metadata refresh on the main album "alb1" (see tree below) :

    - alb1
    - sub-alb2
    - dynamic-album1
    - dynamic-album2
    - dynamic-album3
    - dynamic-album4
    - sub-dynamic-alb3 using folder tag (each time i add a new critera and refresh the metada inside this dynamic album i have the abend below, then if i delete the album and recreate it i have all my critera)

    Instanciation invalide de l’album : l’album n’a pas de nom dans /home/users3/b/phpnet/www/lesite/zp-core/class-album.php à la ligne 721

    trigger_error called from Album->__construct (class-album.php [721])

    from newAlbum (class-album.php [20])
    from admin-edit.php [30]
  • Please install the current support build and re-test this. If the problem still exists, please create a trouble ticket on GitHub.
  • Thanks Stephen but it is not good.

    I have the quick message : Fixed album xxxxx/zzzzz parentid was 575 should have been 624

    After i have the same error messages and the album title has been replaced by the .alb name.

    I create a trouble ticket on GitHub.
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