mass-edit album does not work

Is mass-edit album working for anyone? Clicking save doesn't do anything. In fact it reverts to the old info


  • Unless you are running on the current nightly build mass editing is not working.
  • Hmm, a year ago since last post... mass edit seems to still not work and I am using latest version.

    When I select any of the saves it does not save but renames the top album the name of the last subalbum.... is there meant to be a apply all or save all button as there is none?


  • If you are using a plugin for this, note that it such a plugin is not supported. Instead just set the number of albums you want per page to suit your desires.
  • Sorry, I am not sure what you mean... in the albums entry where you then select the subalbums there is a line that reads

    'Select an album to edit its description and data, or mass-edit all first level subalbums. '

    So I select the mass-edit and it then shows the edit screen for all the first level sub-albums of the album in use. Each edit screen for each sub-album has its own save, reset, cancel etc buttons, there is no button to enable you to save all edits, if I do save a single one it actually edits the top album and not the sub-album?

    Does that make more sense?


  • Thanks, Now I understand. Not something I use so did not recognize it. Please try the nightly build of 12/8. On this software mass edit seems working.
  • Thanks, Now I understand. Not something I use so did not recognize it. Please try the nightly build of 12/8. On this software mass edit seems working.
  • Cool, no probs, I will update and see how it goes.


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