PrintAlbumZip error: works only for admins

bic Member, Translator
If a normal user tryes to download a zip archive of an album he gets this error:
`Fatal error: Class 'album' not found in ***/zp-core/functions.php on line 550`

Zenphoto version 1.2.5_RC1 [3982]

Everything works fine for admins with edit rights on the album.


  • I am not able to reproduce this error. Could you please provide a link to your site for testing?
  • bic Member, Translator
    Ok, I hope nobody else will see it now, I'm still in a testing stage.

    The only real album is Test, Portfolio is a dynamic album
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Indeed, I can reproduce that I get this error if not logged in. We will try to solve that.
  • Ok, found the problem. I could not reproduce it because another change I was working on accidentally fixed it! Fix will be in the nightly build tonight.
  • bic Member, Translator
    Yes, updated album-zip.php from SVN and it works now. Thanks!
    I was trying to require class-load.php in functions.php, shame on me!
  • Not shame on you. That is actually the way I accidentally fixed it in my developement source. But unfortunately, there was more to that change than that one line, so it has to wait for the 1.2.5 development stream.
  • bic Member, Translator
    Still problems with PrintAlbumZip.
    If I use that function for an album with subalbums I get a lot of warnings and no output.

    If the album is in the roor folder (albums) then the zip file is created but displayed as plain text in browser, after this warnings:

    Notice: Undefined variable:
    zip in /home/web/ on line 31

    Notice: Undefined variable:
    zip in /home/web/ on line 31

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at /home/web/ in
    /home/web/ on line 80

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at /home/web/ in
    /home/web/ on line 81

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at /home/web/
    /home/web/ on line 82
    If the album is inside another album then the zip file is not created at all and I get this warnings:

    Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2)
    in /home/web/ on line 25

    Warning: opendir(/home/web/
    [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in
    /home/web/ on line 26

    Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2)
    in /home/web/ on line 25

    Warning: opendir(/home/web/
    [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in
    /home/web/ on line 26

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at /home/web/ in
    /home/web/ on line 80

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at /home/web/ in
    /home/web/ on line 81

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
    (output started at /home/web/ in
    /home/web/ on line 82
    Actually in the second case the directories are wrong. They sould be like:



    If I add `$zip` to `global` in
    `function zipAddSubalbum($base, $offset, $subalbum)`
    The first case works as expected!!
  • bic Member, Translator
    I found a solution, please help me to understand if this can lead to other problems.
    In `function zipAddSubalbum($base, $offset, $subalbum)` I replaced line 22:
    `$new_offset = $offset.$subalbum.'/';`
    if ($offset != "" AND strpos($base, $offset)) {
    $new_offset = $subalbum.'/';
    } else {
    $new_offset = $offset.$subalbum.'/';
    This seems to work, but I tested it only for my own case, as described above...
  • $zip should have been the 4th parameter to `zipAddSubalbum()`. As for the other code, I do not off hand see why it is needed, but I will investigate more.
  • bic Member, Translator
    I get a not needed offset before the subalbum name, when the album from wich I call the printalbumzip function is not in the root folder and is not the last folder in the albums tree.
    So that:




    printing zip from `S.Agostino_Civitavecchia`

    With my code the problem is fixed but I suppose that the real error is somewhere before...
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