Sorry for my english.
I have instaled ZenPhoto on a host.
the max upload size is 100M but in the admin ulpoad page it`s telling me it`s 2M
the image it`s uploding, i can edit the name, description .. evrithing but it`s not showing the image.
i even tryit whit a 1.4M image and it`s the same ....
iff i use smaller images then it`s working fine
what shood i do where shood i look ?
and i just see that if i log in to the ftp the image is not there ....
so i`ts clear the image was not uploaded but the table was created ...
this is a video where i`m uploading an image
i uploaded a 1.27M image ... zenphoto tells me the upload was a success but still ... the image is not on the server ...
cod it be because of the image dimensions ?
58.17/∞ MB .... i think that`s enough
but i resize`d the image and now i`ts working
still a bit confused but it`s working