Zenphoto 1.0.3 beta Released!

Woo hoo!!! It's up!!!!

Download NOW!!!


  • trisweb Administrator
    Wow, a little excited are we? ;-)
  • trisweb Administrator
    Oh yeah, let me know how the upgrade goes! Thanks.
  • Upgrade almost went smooth. Remember, in the wiki, if you tell them to overwrite all the files, make sure to remind them to change the RewriteBase in the .htaccess file to it's correct value!


    Oh! And I definately LOVE the enhanced performance! My server is just flying through making those thumbnails!
  • Everything went super smooth. All my bugs are fixed and everything is beautiful! Now how about some RSS feeds?
  • Nice.. works great..

    A few things to note with regards to Wordpress Plugins.. Incase you are having problems, until an updated version of the Zenshow, Zenpress and Wei Chen's zenphoto plugin come out. Those plugins are still searchin for config.php and that has been renamed to zp-config.php.. Pretty much an easy fix

    Wei Chens Plugin - wp-content\plugins\zen.php line 32

    I tried changing the info in zenpress but it did not work. I am sure it will all work out once they update thier plugins.. but Wei Chen's actually caused wordpress/"zenphoto integrated" to NOT work so there is the fix.

    Otherwise.. all works great. performance is better and all those bugs seem to be gone. Good work trisweb.
  • I take some of that back.. I downloaded the latest zenpress and it works like a charm.. I was running v0.9
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep, I was gonna say, I've been running SVN on my site for weeks and using Zenpress and it's been working great!

    Thanks everyone for some great testing and feedback.
  • Well, I just updated the wiki with a tip about the .htaccess file. So hopefully others would remember to edit it.
  • koffee Member
    1.0.3 is really great, but I have problem. I'm running apache server locally, and when I choose Stopdesign theme (because my modded theme is based on it) I can't see thumbs on the index and image page. I rewrote RewriteBase, but it's not working.
  • Upgrade went smooooothly on Dreamhost! Thanks a lot!
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