MySQL Error

Hello, first of all - you have a great piece of software here, and I'm a bit gutted that I didn't find it earlier, I had a perfect website that I could've used it for, but it doesn't matter, at least I know I can use this now.

Okay, I'm creating a theme for the gallery for a client and I'm unable to change some settings, I'm getting the following error at the bottom of the 'Theme' tab in 'Options' (Options > Theme) in the 'Homepage' section:

`Zenphoto Error

MySQL Query ( SELECT titlelink FROM ``zp_zenpage_pages` WHERE `show` != 1 ORDER by `sort_order` ) failed. Error: Table '~REMOVED~.zp_zenpage_pages' doesn't exist

I'm a designer by trade so when it comes to MySQL/PHP errors I fall flat on my face, so any help here will be absolutely amazing. Will I need to re-install ZenPhoto? If so, that's fine and I'm perfectly happy to do this if it's the easy way out.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you enabled the Zenpage plugin afterwards you need to run setup again. Also this homepage options of course requires Zenpage.
  • traxor Member
    Hi Acrylian, thanks for the response. I don't have the zenpage plugin activated as it's not a sitewide gallery, just a single page gallery. Would you suggest that I just re-install?
  • traxor Member
    Still getting the error and I've re-installed it again, during the install the magic_quotes_gpc is enabled when it shouldn't be but I can't change that, and it's saying some files are missing, but they're just the themes that I've deleted, but for some reason the ajax was missing too?

    Really confused, I've enabled to the ZenPage plugin and enabled it in my admin, but now that I've enabled it I'm getting this error on the index:

    `Zenphoto Error

    MySQL Query ( SELECT id, cat_name, cat_link, hitcounter, permalink FROM ``zp_zenpage_news_categories` ORDER by cat_name ) failed. Error: Table 'lucylock_gallery.zp_zenpage_news_categories' doesn't exist
  • traxor Member
    Sorted it out thanks!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    And what was it? That would help either us for documentation or other users encountering similar things.
  • I agree. It would be very useful if traxor could provide some details on how he fixed this.
    I am having the exact same issue and so far can't fix it.
  • Go to
    The setup script is evidently the only facility for automatically creating the necessary tables for ZenPage.
  • Depending on the level of zenphoto you are using, you must run setup.php again once you enable the zenpage plugin. It never hurts to run it a second time.
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