album description on mouseover

hi everyone

i am working on a very simple theme that resembles a color palette. when hovering over a album thumbnail i would like the album description to be displayed somewhere else on the page. anybody got a clue if this is possible?

thanks a lot

here is the page:


  • are you competent in javascript? jQuery allows this fairly simply. You can see an example if you look at the v1.2.5 ratings plugin. (This case is for a click, but mouseover is a straight forward difference) Look where it changes the `#vote` text.
  • thank you.

    unfortunately i have no clue about javascript. will try to figure it out though.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Depending on how your theme (layout) is setup you probably can do that also with pure css. Try a search on the css commands "visibility and "display". Of course this requires some knowledge, too.
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