paged_thumbs_nav german translation trouble zenpage

Sorry I really don't know better where to post this or how to phrase the topic title better.

When using the zenpage default theme and enabling paged_thumbs_nav and having zenphoto set to multilingual which translates to German in my case I have a problem that makes the thumbs_nav quite irritating.

To the left and to the right of the thumbs you normally get this `« prev Thumbs -- next Thumbs »` but in the German version it only reads `« vorherige -- nächste »` . As in the translation the `"Thumbs"` part is left out it leads the user to think that it might be the link to move to the next image instead of the next group of thumbnails (as if it would only read `« previous -- next »`) .

My guess is that the translation *buggy* so to say, I found that there is an entry `"« prev thumbs" - "« vorherige"` in the de_DE zenphoto.po, I tried to change that but as it was the first I ever used Poedit, I didn't get this to work.

I went ahead and changed the `'« prev thumbs'`to`"previous thumbs"`in the image.php of the zenpage theme (line 53) and that translates as expected to`"Vorherige Thumbnails"`but when doing so it also appears when the _thumbs_nav_ is at the very beginning (where it shouldn't be displayed at all) and strangely also at the very end of _thumbs_nav_ (even if I didn't change the code for the`next thumbs`)

So I guess I'm basically asking for a change in the translation file, to make `"« prev thumbs"` translate to `"« vorherige Thumbs"`instead of`"« vorherige"` but I am not sure...
I know that there is no *good* translation for Thumbs or Thumbnails into German, but just leaving it out here isn't really the best solution usability wise.

I hope this does make any sense to you anyway.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the note. I will change that with the next translation update. This was indeed just missed, that happens with over 2000 strings to translate..:-) Since I maintain the German translation I decided to generally use "Thumbnails" as the German term, too, because I think that the probably more correct term "Vorschaubild" is actually not really used by anyone.

    Edit: Actually you can change the link text on the plugin options to your own liking. But the english link texts are actually currently hardcoded on the zenpage-default theme's image.php around line 53 which of course overrides the plugin option:
    `printPagedThumbsNav(6, FALSE, gettext('« prev thumbs'), gettext('next thumbs »'), 40, 40);`

    I also just realized that this link text plugin option is not multilingual capable currently as I thought it is... I will change that soon, too, then you can set your own text for the links to override any predefined translation.
  • mypart Member
    Hmm, acrylian, the releasenotes for 1.2.6RC1 do read:
    paged_thumbs_nav: multilingual update
    But I still have the "vorherige"/"nächste" Problem.
    I tried editing the option from Admin Panel for paged_thumbs_nav but that seems to have no effect.
    When I run zenphoto in English it shows "previous Thumbs/next Thumbs" even though I put something else in the Admin panel.
    Anything I am doing wrong?
    Is the problem still in the translation file?
    Should I file a bug? If so how?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have simply forgotten to change the strings ("vorherige" is actually also wrong, it is "vorige" of course....). We are on freeze for 1.2.6 so it will not change until 1.2.7.

    But as told above you have to remove the parameters from the function call as these override the options. The "multlingual" means that the fields on the option let you now enter separate strings for each active language.
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