"<!--session data--!>" gets stuck in picture description

I searched the forum figuring I'm not the only one this is occuring to but found nothing.
I have 1.2.5 installed via Simple Scripts. I'm using BlueHost to host the page. It works great, however, after editing and saving the descriptions of pictures, most of the time a "<!--session data--!>" gets stuck in the description even if the description was never touched. I have to go back and delete it to make it go away. It occurs on about 8 out 10 photos.

Thanks for any info.

More details--
# Zenphoto version 1.2.5_RC2 [4019] (Official Build)
# Current gallery theme: default
# PHP version: 5.2.9
# Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
# PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
# MySQL version: 5.0.75



  • Sorry, we are unable to provide support for installations made with third party scripts such as simplescripts. These seem to have more problems than standard zenphoto installs and we have no idea what strange things these scripts may be doing.
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