
how can I fix this?

Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT id, cat_name, cat_link, hitcounter, permalink FROM `zp_zenpage_news_categories` ORDER by cat_name ) failed. Error: Table 'ziziland_test.zp_zenpage_news_categories' doesn't exist


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Run setup.php
  • huzsef Member
    I have the same problem, I try'd to fix it with setup.php without success.
    Have You an other idea? (ZenPhoto 1.2.5)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Setup will create the missing db tables. If it not does that something else will be wrong. What does setup tell you, any error? MAybe errors in your cgi log?
  • huzsef Member
    Thank You for the answer, no warnings during the setup and no error messages after the setup.
  • Just to be sure we are clear. First enable the zenpage plugin. Then (with it enabled) run setup.php.
  • huzsef Member
    Thank's now I am clear... It works... Thank's again.
  • eiffel Member
    Hi - this is my very first time using Zenphoto and Zenpage and am having trouble with the above mysql error.

    I have enabled Zenpage from within Zenphoto and am using Zenpage-Default as my theme.

    I've tried going to mydomain.com/zp-core/plugins/zenpage/setup.php but that file doesn't exist.

    I've tried downloading various tarballs and zip versions of Zenphoto and none of them contain this file. What am I missing here?

    ***EDIT: looks like i was missing running mydomain.com/zp-core/setup.php again - which i stumbled upon as it wasn't mentioned anywhere ***
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to run the main setup file under `zp-core/setup.php`. (the first separatly release Zenpage versions before Zenphoto 1.2.4 indeed had their own setup).
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually setup should run again automatically after enabling Zenpage but that somehow got lost in 1.2.5. Will be back in the next version.
  • How do I run the setup.php installed on my web host's system?

    I cannot even log in as and admin. Right now, it's completely dead.

    MySQL Query ( SELECT id, cat_name, cat_link, hitcounter, permalink FROM `zp_zenpage_news_categories` ORDER by cat_name ) failed. Error: Table 'valaddso_znp01.zp_zenpage_news_categories' doesn't exist
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said two posts above `www.yourdomain.com/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php` (if Zenphoto is installed within the folder "zenphoto" o course!).
  • This is the third thing I found that newbies need to know. I almost dumped this amazing software because of all the errors I was getting. I think I will be contributing by making a newbies startup topic for people with limited or no server/mysql/php skills.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This one is actually a bug that will be corrected in 1.2.6. Generally the setup errors are labeled as a "warning" and with some description to give a hint. And you can always ask on the forum. Sometimes a quick web search also helps..:-). There are better places for general server/mysql/php skills.

    But if you want to contribute on some documentation that will be welcome.
  • The problem with many newbies like me is asking the right question, so it takes a little research first. I appreciate your work on this great software solution. I did some vtc php tutorials and I (eventually) figured out how yum works to check/install/update php-gd which was not in my centos5 install but I still get the following error when I click on something:

    The requested URL /testfile/ was not found on this server.

    Figuring this stuff out is like when you buy a car, the seller assumes you know how to drive so they leave out very basic things like "put the key in the ignition". As someone who has no problems with shared hosting servers with the plesk control panel, getting into VPS servers to be able to do things with root access like Flash Media Server and zenphoto as a standalone serverside app is very cool but also challenging.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I absolutly understand your point, but we really can't "teach" every detail about these things. If someone tries to install a application on a server we just assume he either knows how to or is willing to learn a few things himself. Or alternatively he knows someone who does.
  • Thank you for your response and I see your point as well. I think this is where I can help as I am at the almost newbie level. I think I could be of help to get more people using this. In my attempts at learning how all this stuff works (linux commands, yum, php, FMS,mysql,virtual private servers, etc) I see that its not that hard and very exciting to see 'behind the curtain'.

    I look forward to contributing.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I see you already started. Very welcome. You alternatively could also create an account on our Trac wiki (bugtracker) and work there on a "newbie tutorial" page. That might be a little more convenient to work with than the forum.
  • Got it!
  • mod rewrite was the enemy. When I disabled it in zenphoto admin page - options - general it works (with photos- now trying video- HOORAY!
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