Search all options by default

Haven't found anythign on this yet.

What I want to do is search my site using the search form and have all the options already checked. I have tried setting the query field section of the function to 1, 0 and various bit combinations but have been unsuccessful so far in getting it to automatically have all the boxes checked.

I would prefer that guests didn't have to worry about what they fields they were searching and have it return anything that is relevant.

Currently running Build 4022.

Any help with this would be great.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can set the fields on the search option on the backend. You can also hide the icon for the selector via the css id #searchfields_icon.
  • Hi acrylian

    I may be missing something but when I'm in the backend under Option > Search I've got all the relevant ones selected there. But I can't seem to set them to be on (checked) in the front end. 'Tags' is the only one checked by default.

    If I go and search Olympus for Camera Maker without setting anything from the selector it tells me it can't find anything.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, if I add some on the backend they are all checked. Maybe try clearing cookies i believe that stores any selection. sbillard would know but will be absent until beginning of next week.
  • Thanks.

    That is what I'd been expecting to have happen. Have cleared the cache and cookies and it reverted back to just the 'tags' on the front end. Will continue trying to figure it out. Might do a clean install and see what happens, may have made a change to the core code somewhere along the line when I was playing.

  • Found the reason. I was accessing the search page by clicking a linked 'tag' which meant only the 'tags' checkbox was ticked for any further searches.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, thanks for letting us know. Otherwise it might have been a bug.
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