Custom Mp3 Site Theme

farhan Member
I made a custom theme for zenphoto to turn it into a music and mp3 site. If there's demand i can clean it up and release it.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Great, there may not be real demand yet but that should really not keep you from making this a theme. We really could use more themes.

    Btw. did you look at the flowplayer3_playlist plugin or the playlist option of the flv_player plugin? These were actually done to do similar things. See the flowplayer and the flvplayer sites for example sof that. You surely have seen similar things online elsewhere.
  • farhan Member
    I'll clean it up and release it on weekend. I'll see the flowerplayer playlist plugin. It would be nice to have a album player button too.
  • Hi farhan, really nice theme
    i am interested in getting the theme...!!how can i get it ??
  • ya i'm curious now to anyone know where to get it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is simply not available as site's creator did not publish his site's design as a theme (which is quite understandable I think).
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