Cannot change theme or edit gallery

I just installed v1.0.3 on a new domain on Dreamhost and cannot change the Theme, and I cannot edit a Gallery.

chmod 777 was done on both albums and cache.

I can change the theme manually by editing the theme.txt file, but can't do it via the admin.

Bigger concern is the inability to edit a gallery. When I click the album name or Thumb in the admin area, the page just refreshes and does not give me the editing options for the album.

I have v1.01 and v1.02 running on other domains on Dreamhost and they work fine - any ideas?



  • FWIW... I just upgraded one of my older (v1.01) versions to 1.03 and I'm having the same issues with the admin section - can't change the theme and can't edit an album.
  • when upgrading from version 1.0.2 and before to 1.0.3 or later. you need to clear your cache folder. This includes your theme.txt.

    I have ran into this type of problem where I was unable to change my theme and I deleted the theme.txt file and it defaulted back to default and then I was able to change it. Try that and let me know how it goes
  • No, that doesn't solve it. I can modify the theme.txt manually to change that, but the bigger issue is not being able to edit the photo albums. It just reloads the page and doesn't give me the editing options.

    Basically, none of the admin functions are working - with the upgrade and with a clean installation.

    Thanks for your thoughts and let me know if you have any other things to check...

  • Some additional information - the hrefs are blank ("") when I view the source on page.

    <img height="40" width="40" src="/photogallery/WaterGardens/image/thumb/IM001956.JPG" />
  • It has to be a file permissions issue. Albums and cache have to have chmod 777 to work...

    do you have a link to the gallery?
  • Crazy.. you just posted that as I posted it...
  • what page are you trying to edit it from? The admin panel or the inline edit on the pages themself?
  • From the admin panel
  • Does anyone have any ideas here? Any thoughts about why the hrefs would be empty on the edit page of the admin site?

    It worked fine prior to upgrading to v1.03 and I'm having the same issue on both an upgrade and a new installation.

  • Are you using mod_rewrite?
  • I am using mod_rewrite
  • • Are you sure that your server is setup to use PHP5?
    • Have you tried disabling mod_rewrite?
    • Have you also made sure that your zp-config.php does not contain the text localhost as the database hostname?
    • Album & Cache folders setup with chmod 777?
  • Yes to all except disabling mod_rewrite. I'll give that a shot, but:

    Viewing the gallery works just fine - it's only admin that's not working and everything worked great with v1.01.

    I'll let you know what happens with disabling mod_rewrite.

  • changing mod_rewrite to false didn't fix it. I give up. Is 1.02 still available for download somewhere?
  • Thanks. v1.02 works fine. Tristan, any ideas why this would be a problem with v1.03? I'd like to use some of the new image sizing features.

  • Having same problem here. It worked for a while. Then out of nowhere it just stopped working. I tried manually changing the theme and as you described it worked. So I deleted the cache folder. recreated it. repermissioned it. and it started working again. Give it a shot.

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