Print_Album_Menu - subalbumcount

Is there a way to have (besides the imagecount) also a subalbum count in the print_album_menu ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    "Is there a way" is not really the right question actually. The answer is not without modifying the plugin.
  • FilMar Member
    Thanks for the answer, I know that everything is possible but was wondering if it was foreseen.
    Is it a lot of work?

    Thanks in advance,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have put that as an option (either subalbum or image count, both would be confusing) on my list. can't promise when I get to that though.
  • FilMar Member

    You're probably right about the one or the other option but a 'x photos in y albums' would be nice too ;-). Only that you need to count all levels and sublevels at once then.
  • FilMar Member
    acrylian, for the moment I don't need the option any more (but I think it may be usefull for others too), I changed my template in a way that I don't use Print_album_menu any more.

    But I have another question. I found the functions getNumImages and getNumSubalbums but is there also a function already available that counts the images in the subalbums?
    Or some codelines to achieve the same.

    I will have some toplevel albums (as catagories) wich all contains a number of subalbums.
    Here I would like to show with each toplevel the total number of images and the number of subalbums (getNumSubalbums).
    I know where to put it (gallery.php, div album) but I don't see directly how to get the right number.

    Many thanks in advance,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, there is no direct function to get the number of images within the subalbums of a certain album.

    You have two way to get those:

    1. via object orientation using our classes: Code a loop using the album class method `getSubalbums()`and create an album of each of that to get its image number and then add them together.

    2. via MySQL: A count query using the `LIKE` statement as all subalbums have the name of their top level album in there name (e.g. `toplevelalbum/sublevelalbum/...`).
  • FilMar Member
    OK, thanks, I'll try to figure that out.

    Keep up the good work... ;-))
  • FilMar Member
    OK, it works (almost)

    I did it via a MySQL query.
    I have only one little problem. How do I get the foldername of an album in Zenphoto?
    There are some albums that I changed the title so the foldername is not the title...

    Thanks in advance,
  • The albumid field of the image is the record ID of the album. You have to query that record and extract the folder field
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