SVN Performance branch

3 letters


I havent timed anything but it flys through the thumbnail generation AND (atleast on Windows) uses less CPU Usage.. The normal version would create 2 php-cgi.exe processes and would take 50% CPU usage a piece.. this one still creates 2 processes.. but only used about 12-22% each and doesnt run for as long...

Nice work.


  • trisweb Administrator
    Not sure that there should be a difference in image generation speed -- it uses the same i.php, but optimizes gallery display and filesystem/database access. Still should be much better though.

    Thanks for testing!
  • it must be just that the php-cgi.exe is using less resources with the optimizations in it... I just tried it again and CPU usage is definately down..
  • trisweb Administrator
    Definitely possible, yeah. Overall, the resource use should be way lower, especially for simply browsing galleries.
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