I was making a theme for zenphoto that looks like my website, and part of the sidebar on my website uses some mysql stuff. Putting that and zenphoto together resulted in a lot of db errors for zenphoto. To fix it, I added `global $mysql_connection` at the top of `getWhereClause($unique_set)` line 179, and then on 185, changed `mysql_real_escape_string($value)` to `mysql_real_escape_string($value, $mysql_connection)` so that is uses that link resource from then on.
It would probably be good programming practice to go through that function and give all of the sql functions that will take it the global `$mysql_connection` link identifier.
You can do everything mysql related via our class methods. These are the two ways we recommend to use Zenphoto with another system.
http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/01/hacks/#integrating-zenphoto- into-wordpress
We basically use the second way on zenphoto.org.
If there is "localhost" that surely means the default value is still there which of course will not work on most (shared) hosts. At least I have never heard of that issue before and we have many users using Zenphoto that way with Wordpress etc.
Please check if that file is correctly fill with data and if setup reports any issues (since you didn't tell I assume you use Zenphoto 1.2.5. If not please upgrade.).
I am using 1.2.5
It has nothing to do with table prefixes. The problem is that zenphoto is making one db connection, and my sidebar code is making another. And since the zenphoto source makes a call to the mysql_real_escape_string function without passing in the available global link identifier (unique to zenphoto's db connection) it was trying to use my sidebars db connection. if you read the section on link identifiers that I block quoted you will see that it uses the last called connection if no link identifier is passed.
Zenphoto should consistently pass the resource $link_identifier into it's database function calls for good programming practice, and to prevent problems such as this one.
Here is the fix to functions-db.php in zp-core
* Constructs a WHERE clause ("WHERE uniqueid1='uniquevalue1' AND uniqueid2='uniquevalue2' ...")
* from an array (map) of variables and their values which identifies a unique record
* in the database table.
*@param string $unique_set what to add to the WHERE clause
*@return contructed WHERE cleause
*@since 0.6
function getWhereClause($unique_set) {
global $mysql_connection;
if (empty($unique_set)) return ' ';
$i = 0;
$where = ' WHERE';
foreach($unique_set as $var => $value) {
if ($i > 0) $where .= ' AND';
$where .= ' ``' . $var . '` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($value, $mysql_connection) . '\'';
return $where;