Problem image files repeatedly copied into Albums directory

I thought I would document this problem here for anyone else who is having trouble.

I have a Zenphoto installation on a client's website, which was running fine for months up until a few days ago. Suddenly, it started showing PHP errors at the top of the gallery pages, related to the copy() function in controller.php.

I discovered this was being caused by 2 images being repeatedly copied into the Albums directory. multimediaDefault.png and zen-logo.jpg. When I would delete the images, the problem would resolve, the errors disappear. However, moments later the images would be copied back into the albums directory and cause the errors again.

At first I thought this was a security vulnerability in Zenphoto - some kind of remote hack. But then I looked in controller.php and found the following.

copy(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/multimediaDefault.png', getAlbumFolder() . 'multimediaDefault.png');
copy(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/zen-logo.jpg', getAlbumFolder() . 'zen-logo.jpg');

So I commented these lines out and now it all works fine again.

The thing is, I looked at a backup of my client's website done months ago when it was all working fine, and these 2 images were in the Album folder, but not causing any problems.

So what's changed? I must be missing something here.

Anyway hope that helps someone with the same problem. And on searching the web - there are several Zenphoto galleries showing exactly the same errors.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You are apparently running an old Zenphoto version that indeed stored these two default images within the albums folder. I can only suggest upgrading.
  • Hi, may be acrylian is telling right. You can upgrade and again try to do your task. I hope you will be able to solve your problem.

    All the best,

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