Hello together,
so I read every 500 error post I could find, tried everything mentioned but after a couple of hours I have no ideas anymore...
After updating from to I get an empty page when calling the index.php. Just with using Firebug I could find out that it's an 500 error. On the other hand I can normally access the admin panel.
What I tried:
- deleting .htaccess
- deleting IndexIgnore line
- turning RewriteEngine on and off
- turning Mod_rewrite on and off
- restarting setup
PHP version 5.3.21
MySQLi version 5.1.66
I would be glad for any suggestions!
Comments - - [04/Apr/2013:21:24:42 +0200] "GET /fotos/index.php HTTP/1.1" 500 20 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0"
I re-uploaded all directories several times.
What permissions do you mean? Of the .htaccess file or of special folders?
500 errors are also often caused by invalid file permissions. So perhaps your server does not like the file permissions for the index.php file. Unfortunately, what the permissions should be is dependent on your server configuration. But often servers will object to running scripts that allow public access in their permissions, so permissions of 0777 would be suspect.
The index.php has the same permission as other index-files on the webserver.
There is just one strange thing: when I deleted the previous installation one file could not be deleted by FTP: /zp-data/charset_tést ("550 Delete operation failed.")