a few features to contribute

first off, I've used (audited) almost every gallery on planet earth.. and I just wanted to say, you guys/gals got a real good thing here.. you've ended my search for the perfect gallery.. I'm pretty happy about that.

obnoxious bug: a screen flash when viewing a detail image.. I plan on tracking this down, but if it's already been done and the fix is available, please let me know. thanks.

since I was "asked" to build a gallery for my better half, I expect I'll be adding a few features and gimmicks.. currently, I've added an "auth code" to deter spam bots (no captcha..) .. anyway, I wanted to know where and how I can contribute back to the project .. sad to say I won't be a consistent contributor as development is expected to end at some point, but I like to give back whenever I can.

thanks for a truly wonderful application.. I can't say enough good about it already.
-D. Hayes


  • Where do you see the screen filcker.. This is the first time I have heard about a screen flicker.. Do you have a link where it happens at?

    As far as where you can contribute.. you can look at the bug tracker
    I am sure any submissions to bug fixes are greatly appreciated.

    then there is the roadmap on

    help on any of those I am sure he wouldnt mind either..

    One thing that I think this album needs more of (and one thing that I am working on helping out at) are more themes, there are a few nice ones but you look at some of the other major albums and they have a lot of different themes to choose from where here there are really only about 10 good ones to choose from.

    Otherwise welcome to Zenphoto.
  • Hey, thanks for the reply..

    as for the flicker thing, in Safari it appears to flash the "unstyled" page before fully loading.. once fully cached by the browser, the bug subsides. i'm sure safari support isn't a critical priority, but nonetheless, I'll look into it further for my own sake.

    I noticed the shortages on themes.. I'll gladly contribute to the pool.. I've been drawing "concepts" for a few months, so i'll chop 'em up and release them gpl as soon as possible.. if you have any faves you'd like ported that are GPL'd or similar, let me know.

    thanks again for the input and warm welcome.. I appreciate it.
  • the screen flash bug is only present when logged in .. it's due to the front-end ajax implementation .. it's a non-issue..
  • trisweb Administrator
    Good to hear about the screen flash. You can still try to fix it if you like, but no big deal. I need to get a mac to do more safari testing... and for other reasons ;-)

    Any help is greatly appreciated, and not just with already existing bugs or planned features (though those are a good place to start). You can pretty much make any improvement/fix/addition you want and submit a patch with a new issue on the bugtracker. If we like it we'll add it :)
  • hey trisweb,
    I'll check into the bug tracker this evening.. I'm guessing that the architecture will change quite a bit as it matures more.. I wonder if you've thought about integrating Smarty as the template engine? it looks like it would be pretty straight forward as is and might better support the addition of front end additions like sub galleries, custom modules, pages etc.. just a thought.

    an easy fix for xhtml compliancy in the template-functions.php file, change any "&" in urls to "& amp;" .. not a big deal, but does break validation.

    also, some functions will return empty tags (ie: ) if there is no data present.. say, an album's description for example.. again, not a big deal, just tought I'd note it.

    thanks much..
  • I've fallen in love with Zen Photo. How can I help with its development? I've found a couple bugs but the wiki and bug tracker don't work.
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