We have recently taken comments off albums (removed the form etc) but someone is managing to post comments into the database with lots of links.
The comments do not appear in admin under "comments" but if we use the direct link to the comment from the confirmation email we get the output below.
Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/users/username/html/domainname/gallery/zp-core/admin-comments.php on line 119
Notice: Undefined variable: custom_data in /home/users/username/html/domainname/gallery/zp-core/admin-comments.php on line 151
Notice: Undefined variable: inmoderation in /home/users/username/html/domainname/gallery/zp-core/admin-comments.php on line 167
We are able to delete them so it's not a great problem but we are concerned that they may be able to corrupt the database.
Is there any risk of them causing harm to the database ?
Many thanks.
Actually we clear (sanitize) everything that is posted by our forms so that should not do any harm. Except they hack the db directly of course.
We have had bulk spamming even wuith the capture enabled, it's been no problem deleting them tho so far, but what if they posted thousands of comments.
Ok, how does the simple filter work, on what criteria does it mark comments as spam ?
Many thanks.
The other thing is to use the Captcha.
Thankyou for your help.
If I set excessive URL count 0 it blocks any comment regardless of the content.
Comments containing text such as www.testing.com is not marked as spam.
So I guess we need to use regular expressions in the blacklist section.
This is too complex for me, we want to mark any comment containing any form of web address as spam. (http) (a href) (www.)
Can you please provide the expressions, I'm sure it would be usefull for many other people as well.
Many thanks.
What about spam assassin you used to include that, is that no longer working / supported ?
These also were actually contributions by users who are no longer active and who did not updated them for a long time, so we took them out of the official release as we can't test them. The Akismet is reported to work again after the update.
It's been no problem deleting the spam them so far.
I take it the \[url=.*\] expression blocks a href tags, is that correct ?
Spammer's must be very sad and lonely people : - )
Many Thanks.
* Zenphoto version 1.2.5 [4022] (Official Build)
* Current gallery theme: default
* PHP version: 4.4.9
* Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
* PHP memory limit: (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
* MySQL version: 4.1.22
* Database name: XXXXXX_zenphoto
* Table prefix: zp_
* Spam filter: simple
* Captcha generator: zenphoto
Active plugins:
* class-video v1.0.0
* filter-zenphoto_seo v1.0.0
Active filters:
* none
Here is the problem: I have comments enabled, but set to moderation so I can catch and block ip's related to spammers. A spambot is getting past the moderation routine and comments are appearing on photos now. Has anyone had this happen to them yet? Is there a patch somewhere that could help stop this?
This filter is called "simple" for a reason--if you need more complex spam fitering you will need either to enhance the filter or use one of the third party spam filters from the WEB site. Alternatively you can use the "none" filter and set every post to moderation.