
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just place the `next_image()` loop from album.php within the `next_album()` loop.

    Additionally you could use the class methods of the album and image class directly.
  • I've tried this and still can't seem to get it working. I'm not exactly sure where to place the next_image() loop in relation to what is already contained within the next_album() loop. Within the "album" div? the "thumb" div? Do I remove the contents of the next_album() loop and replace them with the next_image() loop?

    half the time it doesn't do anything, and the other half of the time it just returns nothing for the thumbnails.

    thanks for all your help, and of course the great script
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Where you place the next_image loop and if you remove the other albums part is actually your decision of design (showing the album thumb might be quite useless if you already show the contents).

    The next_image loop will of course only return the thumbs for images in the direct album. If you have an album with albums it will not return anything.
  • sweet... it worked thanks a million man

    just a heads up to anyone who tries this, you have to take the `next_image()` loop from album.php and place it within the `next_album()` loop on the index.php file. I kept on trying to do everything inside album.php and just kept going in circles (loops?)..

    also, `printPageListWithNav` gave me errors so I just took it out

    thanks again
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