Lots of errors upgrading

Hi. First of all, congratulations for this great piece of software.
I was using version 1.2.1 and it worked fine.
I've tried to upgrade to other versions and have a lot of problems with it.
I've just tried v.1.2.5 and get the same errors, which I describe below:
  • - In setup, when clicking "Go" button, lots of errors. It gets fixed when I delete my albums and cache folder.
  • - In Administration, under Options/comment I get this:
    Warning: require_once(/home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/plugins/) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in /home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/admin-options.php on line 2038

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/plugins/' (include_path='.:/opt/php-4.3.3.normal//lib/php') in /home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/admin-options.php on line 2038
  • - In Administration, under Options/theme I get this:
    Notice: Undefined index: themename in /home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/admin-options.php on line 2171

    Warning: require_once(/home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/themes/) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in /home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/admin-options.php on line 2363

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/themes/' (include_path='.:/opt/php-4.3.3.normal//lib/php') in /home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/admin-options.php on line 2363
  • - In Administration, under Themes I get this:
    Notice: Undefined index: themename in /home/webs/www.xxxxxx.com/httpdocs/tests/gallery/zp-core/admin-themes.php on line 141
    And the only Theme that shows under this folder is Zenpage-Default although I have 5 different themes uploaded in the proper folder.
  • - In Administration, under Plugins, there is a table with some rows and two columns (Available Plugins and Description) ... but they are empty. There's only a tick box and that's it.
  • - I try to upload photos (in 1.2.1 worked) but I get a permissions error although I have chmod albums and cache folders to 777.
Any advice on this, please? As I've said before, I have tried versions v1.2.3, 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 but the only one that works fine for me is v1.2.1

Thanks in advance


  • I suspect you are getting permission errors on other folders besides the cache and albums. You should check all the files & folders in both zp-core and the themes folders.
  • Hmm... I've checked it and all the folders are 755. And uploading the content, I'm following the same steps in 1.2.5 as in 1.2.1, and this one works but the others not. What am I doing wrong then?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Note that the files itself need to be 644. Please also read http://www.zenphoto.org/2009/03/troubleshooting-zenphoto/#29
  • Sorry, but all the files are 644 and directories 755 (except for cache and albums folders which are chmoded 777. And still don't know what changed from version 1.2.1 to the latests versions so these versions don't work for me even installing them from scratch but 1.2.1 works just perfect.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am sorry then I have no other idea currently.
  • What is the report that setup provides? Probably there is some security setting that is preventing zenphoto from scanning a folder.
  • Hi. This is the log (I have marked in bold the warnings and errors)


    Zenphoto has detected that you're upgrading to a new version.

    Systems Check:

    PHP version 5.2.3
    PHP Safe Mode

    PHP magic_quotes_gpc [is enabled]
    You should consider disabling magic_quotes_gpc. For more information click here.

    Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)

    PHP gettext() support [is not present]
    Localization of Zenphoto currently requires native PHP gettext() support

    PHP setlocale() failed
    Locale functionality is not implemented on your platform or the specified locale does not exist. Language translation may not work.
    See the troubleshooting guide on zenphoto.org for details.

    PHP mbstring package [is not present and iconv() is not working]
    You need to install the mbstring package or correct the issue with iconv(()

    PHP MySQL support
    zp-config.php file

    Strict Permissions [is not in effect]
    When this option is not in effect, file and folder permissions are relaxed. This could constitute a security risk so it is recommended that you enable Strict Permissions. However, on some servers Zenphoto does not function correctly with strict file/folder permissions. If you enable this option and Zenphoto has permission errors, run setup again and disable the option.

    Click here to use strict file/folder permissions.

    NOTE: This option applies only to new files and folders created by Zenphoto. You may have to change permissions on existing ones to resolve problems.

    MySQL setup in zp-config.php
    MySQL version 4.1.22
    Connect to the database xxxxxxx
    MySQL SQL mode
    MySQL access rights
    MySQL show tables found: zp_administrators, zp_admintoalbum, zp_albums, zp_captcha, zp_comments, zp_images, zp_obj_to_tag, zp_options, zp_tags

    MySQL $conf["UTF-8"] [is not set true]
    You should consider porting your data to UTF-8 and changing the collation of the database fields fields to utf8_unicode_ci and setting this true. Zenphoto works best with pure UTF-8 encodings.

    Zenphoto core files [Some files are missing or their filemtimes seem out of variance]
    Perhaps there was a problem with the upload. You should check the following files:

    .htaccess file (RewriteEngine is ON)
    .htaccess RewriteBase is /version2/gallery/1.2.5
    albums folder
    cache folder
    locale folders

    Database tables to update: zp_options, zp_albums, zp_images, zp_comments, zp_administrators, zp_admintoalbum, zp_tags, zp_obj_to_tag, zp_captcha.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    These are mostly warnings and they are also explained. The most important one is about "Zenphoto core files". You need to (re)upload these files.
  • You should probably clean out all the zenphoto files and re-upload. Most likely you have a mixed set of files from various zenphoto versions. You should always remove the files of the previous version to prevent possibilities like this.
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