Tiny MCE edits don't stick

Attempting to use Tiny MCE to edit the gallery description, I highlight some text and bold. Fine. (actually adds strong tags if you look at the html version but that is fine. Hit Apply, poof! Gone!

Same for adding links. Is this a known bug? A "feature" or what?

Text editor config for zenphoto is zenphoto-default. Zenpage theme. Zenphoto version [3b80873e70] (Official build)


  • Gone--the tags or gone--the whole entry?

    If it is the tags you probably have dis-allowed them in your allowed tags options.
  • Denn Member
    The formatting, not the entry itself.

    Why would it work in album and image descriptions but not the gallery descriptions?

    I have not allowed or disallowed any tags. Would the defaults be set differently in those various areas of TinyMCE?

    Is this happening for anyone else? Can you replicate (or not) this sbillard?

    And where can I check allowed and not allowed tags? I assumed tags had to do with image tags, not html formatting in the TinyMCE
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    "tags" is also a term for html elements which in this case is meant. You find them on Options > General.

    I cannot reproduce this. But have you looked into your server or browser log for errors?

    (btw, by default TinyMCe uses `` for bold (although bold is only the default styling) because it has semantic meaning which `` as a pure visual element does not have.)
  • Denn Member
    OK, there are no elements in the tags section of the options | general. So why does it work in any description at all? I have absolutely no issue adding formatting to descriptions at the album and image levels, only the gallery level description (Options | Gallery then gallery description field) refuses to accept any formatting.

    There are no entries in the error logs from the yesterday or today at all.

    Yes, I understand html tags are called tags, but using the same term for two VERY different things is confusing and the "tags" tab clearly refers to image tags, not html tags.
  • Yes, I understand html tags are called tags, but using the same term for two VERY different things is confusing and the "tags" tab clearly refers to image tags, not html tags
    You do realize that English is a contractual language? Only the simplest of statements is understandable without including the context, and those sentences are usually not very informative.

    You do understand that the allowed tags options deals only in the tags. So if you have no allowed tags then all tags will be removed. Things not tags will remain--like the plain text of your descriptions.

    As to why it would work in some descriptions and not others. It would not, so somehow we are not getting the whole story here.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have to agree that the context here tells (even me as not native English speaker) that not keywords are referred to...

    But back to topic: Please post more info so we can help narrow down the issue. It appears all to work for me in all places where TinyMCE is attached.
  • Denn Member
    You ARE getting the whole story here. There is NOTHING in the tag area you indicated. (I'd put an image to show you but that feature seems to be gone here)

    And yet, if you go here
    http://www.adrianrtio.com/portfolio/ you will see NO bolding in the gallery description and bolding in the album description.

    So, take a look. Then try and explain how it can work in one area and NOT the other. Clearly there is some sort of bug (or perhaps a feature you guys want in there, who knows with you guys).

    Thanks for the English lesson. Snark is so helpful. Its about as useful as the other help given here in this thread so far. Your default position that everyone else is an idiot and only you guys are smart enough to know what you are doing really does not add to these fora.
  • Denn Member
    Acryllian, not sure what I can add. The installation info is above. (theme and build).

    1. If I put formatting into the gallery level tag it shows UNTIL I hit the Apply button whereupon it disappears. BUT ONLY in the gallery description field.

    2. Other description fields work just fine.

    3. there are NO ENTRIES in the tag field for allowed tags.

    4. I have not adjusted any features of the Tiny MCE unless it can be done without knowing it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Forgive us that we ask. We do quite often encounter people leaving out info they think is not important but certainly is.

    The allowed tags field should look like this actually:

    There should be a button on the right "reset to default". Please try that.

    Otherwise TinyMCE has no options to disable styling.

    We can only confirm bugs if we can reproduce them.
  • Denn Member
    OK, reset to default did appear to fix the problem. Odd that it would configure without the info there and even odder that I could still set styling in some fields but not the gallery description. But we seem to be good now.

    I don't mind you guys asking questions. Nor do I mind trying to answer them as fully as possible. I think the "English lesson" was a bit much and there have been some other moments where the snark or disdain level just seems completely unneeded and unhelpful. I've seen worse and better in other fora but I do try and point it out when I think it should be.

    Thanks for pointing me to the correct solution.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Good it is fixed. Those options are normally set by default (thus the button).

    Probably we all got us on the wrong foot with that "lesson"... It happens so easily as we all know in quickly written text.
  • I'm having exactly the same problem. Under which setting is this 'reset tags'?

    My configuration is:
    Zenphoto version 1.4.5 [5cffbe455e] (Official build)
    Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
    Current gallery theme: Zenpage
    PHP version: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.7
    Graphics support: PHP GD library 2.0
    supporting: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
    PHP memory limit: 128M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
    MySQLi version: 5.5.32
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What reset tags are you referring to?
  • Under Options -> General in your admin panel you can scroll down to "allowed tags" and on the right there is a "reset to default" option, click it to reset your allowed tag settings.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, of course…
  • @Papyrus - Excellent! Thank you SO much!
  • No problem! Glad to help. :)
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